Online giving couldn’t be easier!


You’ve asked & we have found a way to answer the question – St. Alban’s now has the ability for individuals to give financial support electronically.  We have an account with Tithely. Tithely allows you to make donations by setting up your own online giving account or a downloadable phone app.
Tithely allows you to make payments from your checking/savings accounts or by credit card. Just create an account online or on the phone app and create the payment you want.  Tithely has great online support and will assist set up accounts and create payments.  When you make a payment, you get an email receipt for your donation to use for your tax purposes. The system will ask if the giver wants to pay the processing fee so the church won’t pay it & it will be reflected in their receipt if they choose to do so.
Payments can be one time or recurring.  This convenient feature makes giving easier for those who are unable to attend church for any reason. We have set up categories of the various church accounts. The giving options are:
  • General Fund
  • Capital/Building Fund
  • Refugee
  • Pastoral
  • Outreach
  • Welcome Ministry of El Cajon
Many folks have requested an online giving option. The phone app is available online, or contact Judy Brown for more information.